Ocean karol g lyrics // Ocean karol g lyrics in english

Ocean karol g lyrics english

Source: lyricfind

Carlos Isaias Morales Williams / Carolina Giraldo / Daniel Echavarria Oviedo / Jorge Valdes wrote the songs.

ocean karol g lyrics english
ocean karol g lyrics

Sunday go straight

If I'm

Remember then everything changes

I promise I'll always miss you I got a

Lot of feelings for you even if I truly

Couldn’t be without you happiness is

And if I die will come back for you I

Got a lot of feelings for you even if I

Couldn’t be without you this is for you

For you I get to write when I am away

You know I think I could carry my

Presence I want you to know that I love

You forever

And when I say this I will feel this way

Forever body aside everything imperfect

Gets better and we need to put you is a


We love this song when you sing to me

You make my husky puppy let's show the

I got a lot of feelings for your feelings

For you

For you

For you

  ocean karol g lyrics english

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